Monday, May 16, 2016

Root Canals and Crowns

Root canal treatment includes the application of a tooth-colored crown to protect the structure of a treated tooth, once inner systems of teeth have been cleaned of bacteria. While effective root canal processes help prolong the life of your tooth and prevent extraction, the crown also plays an important part in making sure that your tooth is healthy and strong after treatment.

Preventing Re-Infection on Treated Teeth

During a root canal, the inner systems of a tooth are accessed through a small hole created in dental enamel. After damaged tissue inside teeth is removed and root systems are clean, your tooth can remain intact, but will be slightly more brittle, which is where a dental crown becomes important. After the access point is sealed, the crown helps to restore your treated tooth’s strength and durability, so you can still bite and chew with ease.

Proper application of your dental crowns is vital to how it is able to protect tooth structure. The margins, or area around the dental prosthetic, should be properly sealed so that bacteria cannot access your natural tooth and cause additional damage.  When crowns are placed correctly, your treated tooth can remain in place for years and is protected against re-infection.

Root Canal Retreatment: Do I Need a New Crown?

While it is less common with Dr. Nguyen’s advanced endodontic tools, it’s possible for a tooth that has been treated with a root canal to become re-infected. As mentioned, improperly sealed margins on a crown could be the culprit, or it’s possible for inner systems of teeth to have been inefficiently treated, leaving bacteria behind. It’s possible to re-treat teeth with a second root canal without removing a crown, but if the crown is the issue, root canal re-treatment and a new dental prosthetic are necessary.

Comprehensive Root Canal Therapy and Re-Treatment with Dr. Nguyen

Our unique approach to root canals incorporates the use of effective equipment that allows Dr. Nguyen to thoroughly treat inner systems of teeth and reduces the need for re-treatment in the future. We also incorporate strong and durable zirconia crowns, planned with 3D technology to ensure proper fit and lasting treatment results.

If you have questions about the root canal process or how Dr. Nguyen can help protect your smile with root canal therapy and zirconia crowns, contact our Houston dental office today.

Monday, May 2, 2016

What to Expect with Invisalign® Treatment

Most patients who have had braces in their lifetimes know what it takes to maintain their orthodontic appliances and their oral health during treatment. However, clear braces can be a totally new experience for some that comes with different considerations for daily use and upkeep. Knowing what’s in store as a patient who chooses clear braces is an important part of enjoying treatment success and making an informed decision.

Invisalign® patients should consider the following:

Initial Soreness – When switching out your current aligner tray for a new clear aligner, you may experience some soreness during the first few days. This is normal, however, and dissipates fairly quickly. Most patients find that, with over-the-counter pain medication, switching to new aligners is a comfortable process that is more convenient than having traditional metal braces tightened.

Cleaning Teeth and Aligners – During the course of treatment, it’s important to make sure that both your teeth and your aligner trays are clean and free of debris. Failing to keep your smile and orthodontics appliances fresh can trap bacteria and food particles, which can elevate your risk for tooth decay or soft tissue infection. As Invisalign® is removable, you can brush and floss your teeth according to your normal routine. Your clear aligners can be cleaned with cool water and or by gentle scrubbing with a soft bristled tooth brush. However, it’s important to not use toothpaste on your aligners, as toothpaste is too abrasive for the plastic and may cloud or discolor the trays.

Storing Aligners During Meals –Invisalign® can be stained or damaged while eating food, which is why your aligners are removed during meals, but they should also be kept safe in a container and stored in a personal bag, to avoid being tossed out with your leftovers or forgotten at the table. After each meal, be sure to give your teeth a quick brush and rinse to avoid trapping food particles on teeth for the rest of the day.

Creating a Habit –Invisalign®’s most significant advantage, its removability, can also be difficult for some patients who do not stick to a daily routine of removing and replacing their aligners at the appropriate times. Patients who take their aligners out for lunch, forget to wear them for the rest of the day, and pop them back in at bed time are less likely to see the results they want. Getting in the practice of wearing your aligners at every moment other than meal times helps you achieve the straight smile you want.

While there are responsibilities and routines required for both traditional braces and clear aligners, Invisalign® makes your daily routine with braces much easier and is nearly invisible when worn. For more information about Invisalign® in Houston at West Houston Dental, contact Dr. Nguyen and his team today.